Lost Breakfast

For six months, I lived in a hotel (Country Inn and Suites) where breakfast is served to guests every morning. Keep in mind, I'm a single, older woman who is friendly, and dining alone not by choice.


One weekend day I found a table near the back corner with one chair. I placed my coffee and a hard-cooked egg on the table to save my place and went to the counter to toast my bagel. When I got back to my table my breakfast was gone and a young girl was sitting in my chair. I asked: "Where did my breakfast go? I was sitting here." The girl just looked at me and said nothing. Her father came over and said he threw it out. I asked: Why? He said he didn't think anyone was sitting there. I just looked at him. (Note: Guests don't leave plates on the tables; they toss out their own refuse in the trash.)

The things that went through my head: Who would throw out a full cup of steaming coffee and an egg? How could hot coffee look abandoned? It irked me that he would throw good food in the garbage. He twice offered to pay for my breakfast. That wasn't the point; breakfast is free to guests, and that was the last egg available. What upset me the most was that he and his daughter took over two empty tables, leaving me with nowhere to sit.

As it was I had no breakfast and no place to sit. I grabbed another cup of decaf from the lobby and went back to my room. I did have some bread in my little bar fridge so I improvised a second breakfast for myself.

What could he have done to rectify the situation? He could have apologized - he didn't - and he could have invited me to sit down to eat breakfast with him and his family. That's what I would have done had the situation been reversed; not throw money at the person I hurt to make them go away. That just adds insult to the injury.

When you do something to screw up, say you're sorry and then do something gracious and generous depending on what you have deprived the other person. Inclusion is kinder than exclusion.

Today's blog post is brought to you by my booklet,
The Bed & Breakfast Guest Etiquette Quiz in e-booklet and print format. Have a look; it's on my author site, www.AndreaReynolds.com.