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Andrea's Talks and Keynotes

The author will be available in 2025 to address audiences again, and can provide simple printed copies of her new book, Professional Integrity.

Fees depend on size of group, length and complexity of presentation, distance traveled, handouts required, research and development required, etc. Andrea can help you find creative ways to afford her speaking fee. Text Andrea Reynolds at (656) 227-1130.

1. The Undercover Client:  Learn what I see, hear, and experience when I become your patient, your guest, your client. You may be astonished… and disturbed.

2. Professional Integrity: How you currently treat your patients, clients, guests and members could be killing your reputation and profits. I address rescue measures for professional practices, agencies, and associations. 

3. Empathy as a Marketing Tool in the Professional Practice: dental, medical, chiropractic, veterinary, legal, etc. A simple concept that works.

Prof Integrity book cover