Journalist to write her next book on Professional Integrity: Her experiences as an over-65, single female client and patient.

[Sun City Center, Florida] Andrea Reynolds, a former Toronto public relations consultant, business deportment expert, author, and investigative journalist, is disturbed by the callous way she is treated by multiple tradesmen and degreed professionals: realtors, dentists, lawyers, contractors, veterinarians, and physicians. Therefore, Professional Integrity: Do the Right Thing. If You Didn’t… Then Make It Right is her forthcoming book she’ll promote through North American appearances.

“They assumed I was an uneducated, ignorant, older female, and they misread my kindness as weakness to exploit. I advised all of them in advance I would be writing about them, yet it seemed not to matter to them. Conversations with other women taught me I’m not alone. So I observed, took notes, took photos, and kept documents.”

In fact, multi-national corporations like Coca Cola, Campbell Soup, and Magna International, etc., have retained Reynolds for her sage business advice. But in 2008, she gave up her home and businesses in Canada to return to the US on a mission of mercy and kindness.

She explains, “I returned to Pennsylvania to assist my father who had dementia and bone cancer. I depleted my savings as I acted as executrix for both parents, and then renovated an abandoned and blighted house on my street. I invested in Erie residents, hiring jobless vets, ex-cons, and single parents; and bought unneeded items from young people who needed cash to pay bills. Then multiple professionals overcharged me significant sums while providing little or very poor work. Not one to remain silent, I realized my experiences are the perfect material for a business how-to book. To quote author Ann Lamott,
If people wanted me to write more warmly about them, they should have behaved better.’”

Reynolds continues, “My mission is to inspire service businesses and professionals to be heroes to their clients and patients, not jerks. I want to see them improve their business practices, not only to seniors. My intent is not to shame or castigate them. If nobody taught them how to strive for excellence, then I will.”

Reynolds welcomes “donations” (i.e. restitution plus interest) from companies and professionals who deliberately “overcharged” her for inferior work. The book’s heroes will be the ones who make it right. Mail to:
Andrea Reynolds, 1902 Andover Street, APT 194, Sun City Center, Florida 33573.

For a free tip sheet, “Ten Ways to Make Things Right for Your Client or Patient,” send a request to: Andrea Reynolds at

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